First time I got to the red meadow lakes this year, still had to hike the last mile or so over snow to get there, beautiful bike ride as always. This was the most tour divide riders I’ve ever ran into on this ride, first two Swiss guys, here seen crossing the last snow just before the lakes, another group of four heading up and after I got back to Polebridge a couple, Richard and Leah, who ended up camping at the hostel…
Tag: whitefish range
hay – spruce – red meadow loop
the spruce creek cut over from hay creek road to red meadow road is finally snow free and dry enough for a good ride. there is still plenty of snow past the red meadow gate and it might be a while.. latest rumor I heard was that the great divide race might be rerouted around the flathead this year…
Glacier View II
One month later we are back on Glacier View, this time plus the view and still plenty of snow on top to have fun on the way down. The wildflowers:
are getting started big time and it looks like an awesome summer for wildflower lovers! Things are warming up in general but this was an exceptionally warm day, even on top we were baking in the sun – which is a first this year. Here is Tony from Cleveland who joined me for the slog up to the top: