The roads to both lakes are now almost snow free! Continue reading “Bowman and Kintla Lakes”
Tag: kintla lake
Bowman, Kintla and GTTSR
The first bike rides of the season are always a treat!
Kintla Lake and Brown Pass
This post features a photo of the head of Bowman Lake. The Columbines are seen on the way to Brown Pass as well as the tree hit by a good sized rock. Plenty of shots of the waterfalls coming out of Hole-in-the-wall plus the snow covered hanging valley it comes from. Also, on a recent bike ride to Kintla Lake, which was beautifully calm for a change I took some photos of sticky geraniums, balsam root, paint brush, lupines and the north fork river.
Biking up to Kintla Lake
This must have been one of my earliest rides to Kintla Lake ever, the road was beautifully dry and smooth, what a treat!
I was still huffing and puffing every little hill…
Two elk bulls in Round Prairie- minus antlers!
Here is the new Kintla Creek Bridge under construction…
to be finished before summer gets going…