Brown Pass II


 it was good to get back to brown pass and into hole in the wall. Another rocky mountain high! The photo of brown pass was taken from the Hole in the Wall trail, then we look at the plug that still blocks the Hole in the Wall trail and Hole in the Wall campground itself from the trail junction.

Here are some more impressions from the trip back down. 

Brown Pass

here we are at brown pass looking at some avalanche debris that came

of chapman. Then a view from brown towards the waterton valley and cleveland in the back, more debris from the some avalanche. Then i have a few shots on the way up, here a picture of me and Rita Wirtz, the north fork back country ranger, on the scree bar after we crossed the first snowbirdge. Waterfall

on the climb up, everything is certainly running big and high now! And finally

a look at the waterfall coming out of hole in the wall; we both were wearing big smiles on our faces,

what a glorious day!

north fork flora



here are some flowers and a shroom seen on the way up to Numa Lookout.

the first was is a fairy slipper, an orchid, the comes a western clematis and a morel looking mushroom: