Deer leg on Bowman Lake

It was one of those days, way out of reach of the camera’s eye but well within reach of the binocular: I spent over an hour watching the instigators of this poor little deer’s demise; I watched the four where they were way down the middle of the frozen lake, napping and dozing, rolling in the snow and wrestling with each other, scratching and stretching, napping some more and another stretch for good measures. It was one of those days..deerleg on Bowman Lake

Westside Waldorf School visiting the North Fork Hostel

  The independent, not-for-profit Westside Waldorf School serves Pre-K through the elementary grades.  Established in 1989, it is one of more than 800 Waldorf schools worldwide.

A Waldorf education has been called “the world’s best kept education secret”.  Its curriculum seeks to nourish the emotions and imaginations of children as well as their intellect.

The Inside Road from Polebridge to Fish Creek

here is one of the white Glacier Lilies that grow along the inside road.




.. great day for a ride down the inside road. Bring your sandals to get across the south fork of Logging Creek. After that the tree hopping starts, I stopped counting after 50- but nothing bad, no clusters, just a few tight squeezes.  Saw several bull elk, a cinnamon colored black bear and a sand hill crane, all within the worst of the downfall, of course I was going slow enough not to miss anything.






Biking up to Kintla Lake



This must have been one of my earliest rides to Kintla Lake ever, the road was beautifully dry and smooth, what a treat!

I was still huffing and puffing every little hill…

Two elk bulls in Round Prairie- minus antlers!



Here is the new Kintla Creek Bridge under construction…

to be finished before summer gets going…





First Bike Ride into Big Prairie

Here is a take of the restored McCarthy Homestead on Big Prairie. Excellent day for the first bike ride of the season, the inside north fork road is still very, very muddy and snow covered but sure beats what we had for the last couple of months as far as bike riding goes. There are also still plenty of snow and ice patches on the road, I didn’t make it past the turnoff to the juniper tree. It’s melting fast but in case you’re up for a muddy ride…