The North Fork Hostel & Inn is located on the western edge of Glacier National Park, 1/4 mile (1/2 kilometer) southeast of the Polebridge Mercantile at the end of Beaver Drive (follow the signs). Taking Camas Creek Road through Glacier Park (except when the park is snowed in during the winter) avoids a rough section of the North Fork Road. The North Fork Road north from Columbia Falls to Polebridge is route 486, a gravel road with sections of pavement. In winter when coming from West Glacier, use Blankenship Bridge Road( call ahead for directions). It is a good idea to have tire chains with you in winter. Try to arrive during daytime to appreciate the views and to locate the North Fork Hostel & Inn easily.
The Square Peg Ranch is about 500 yards north of the Polebridge intersections on the left side, but stop at the hostel first and pick up your key.
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